Heil Ranch – Picture Rock, Wild Turkey, Ponderosa

Vid: This old wreck is near the quarry. I had to break trail and was pooped out. Temperature was between 8-14-F.

This hike is 14.9 miles with an ascent of 2,071 ft. It is a lollypop, where the stem is from the Picture Rock TH to the Wild Turkey Trail intersection, and the candy is the loop. The stem is about 5.5 miles long. This hike starts at the Picture Rock TH outside of Lyons, CO. With the majority of Heil Ranch Closed from the Calwood fire in Oct, 2021, I do this hike often. Normally, Heil Ranch offers more trails. I hope all trails in Heil will open in summer, 2022. Mountain bikers use this trail and are generally considerate and friendly. Trail runners also frequent these trails.

The Picture Rock Trail goes by two old cars, a small quarry, and two abandoned homesteads. The University of Boulder used the rocks from the quarry in some campus buildings. The name of the trail came from the sandstone markings that show “pictures.”

NOTE: The Picture Rock Trail closes when muddy. Check for closure at, https://www.bouldercounty.org/open-space/parks-and-trails/heil-valley-ranch/

Plan view of Picture Rock, Wild Turkey, and Ponderosa Loop Trails.

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