Whit (@yung.chattahoochee)

I met Whit (El Matador) at Bear Spring. I could tell he was an experienced hiker from his gear and physique, but I did not know how accomplished he was. It turns out he once held the Fastest Known Time (FKT) for the AZT at 19 days and is a triple crown holder. He is very friendly and unassuming. He was not doing the AZT but helping support a friend, Sketch, whom he met at Bear Spring.

I said goodbye to Whit, and as I headed back to the trail, I met Sketch. We met again in Tucson as we took some time off the AZT for hot weather.

I listened and learned from Whit. He taught me that I needed to make my hike my own since I was holding myself back, and he could tell I was frustrated. He recognized my frustration at being a people pleaser. I thought about this more and more as I hiked. He also pointed out that I should never go back in time. He meant that you never backtrack unless necessary, i.e., you’re at a dead-end. I should always move forward.

Next: Sketch

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